Monday, July 13, 2009

Where has the time gone???

My mum or mom as they say in Canada has been visiting for the last 3 months which has been great. Especially when it is nappy changing time! hee hee The kids have been getting lots of nana-time and I have actually been able to go on a few dates with my hubby which doesn't happen too often.

Here are a few of the things Marissa has said and done lately that have brought a smile to my face.

"When I get bigger, I'm going to do big things!" ~ Very well said indeed, if you ask me.

"Mummy, I'm going to have two children one day just like you. A boy and a girl! Their names will be Roger and Lily" ~ I will remind her of this one day when she is about to become a mum herself.

Marissa was talking to me about her "boyfriend" so, I asked her what she liked about him.
"Well, I like that he is smart and he gets more handsome everyday." ~ AWWWW, how adorable is she!

Marissa also had her first sleepover on the weekend, well it was a first for her and her friend. The girls were so excited that they couldn't sleep, they stayed up late talking and giggling. They kept telling me, "We are going to stay up all night talking!" When I would ask them what they were going to talk about their reply was always "BOYFRIENDS!!!" Yes, they are only 5!


Little Grae, is no longer so little he will be 10 months old this week. It is hard to believe that he is already so big, at the same time it seems like he has always been a part of our family.

Grae now has 6 teeth, all the better to bite you with mum! Which he does and then looks at me with a little grin on his face as if to say, "What did you think about that?"

He is also walking around the furniture, wanting to take his first step without holding on but not quite sure yet. The little scallywag also loves to play chase and will crawl after us or have us crawl after him as he hurries away laughing.

Some of the words that Grae is saying are "Daddy", which sounds more like "Daddeeeee", "Boom Boom", "Nana" and "Mum Mum". When we ask him what does a sheep say, he says "Ba Ba Ba". Well, we are in New Zealand after all, learning about sheep is very important.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, & such a good idea to keep a record of the funny things your kids say!
